



1. 虚拟语气

- If I were you, I would take the job offer.

- It's essential that you finish the project on time.

2. 条件句

- If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

- Unless you apologize, I won't forgive you.

3. 让步状语从句

- Despite the heavy rain, we continued our journey.

- Although he is young, he is very responsible.

4. 原因状语从句

- Because of the traffic jam, we were late for the meeting.

- Owing to the bad weather, the flight was canceled.

5. 结果状语从句

- So many people attended the concert that the venue was overcrowded.

- He worked so hard that he passed the exam with flying colors.

6. 时间状语从句

- As soon as I get the results, I will let you know.

- By the time you arrive, I will have finished the report.

7. 目的状语从句

- I took a taxi to the airport in order to catch the early flight.

- She studied hard so that she could get into a good university.

8. 比较级和最高级

- This is the most interesting book I have ever read.

- He is taller than anyone else in his class.

9. 并列句

- I like to read books, and I also enjoy watching movies.

- She is intelligent, and what's more, she is very hardworking.

10. 强调句

- It was not until I got home that I realized I had forgotten my keys.

- What I appreciate most is your honesty.

11. 倒装句

- Only after I had finished the work did I go home.

- Not until he had explained the problem did I understand it.

12. 被动语态

- The meeting was postponed due to the bad weather.

- The book has been translated into several languages.

13. 分词结构

- Having finished his homework, he went out to play.

- Filled with curiosity, she opened the mysterious box.

14. 名词性从句

- The fact that she won the competition surprised everyone.

- What he needs is a good rest.

15. 定语从句

- The book that I borrowed from the library is very interesting.

- The man who lives next door is a famous actor.





1. 使用倒装句来强调:

- Only after he had finished his work did he go home.

- Not until the children had gone to bed did she start her own work.

2. 使用强调句型:

- It was in the library that I found the book I was looking for.

- What I need is a cup of coffee.

3. 使用比较级和最高级:

- This is the most interesting book I have ever read.

- He is more experienced than anyone else on the team.

4. 使用条件句:

- If I had enough money, I would travel around the world.

- Unless we act now, we will miss the opportunity.

5. 使用虚拟语气:

- I wish I could speak English as fluently as a native speaker.

- If only I had studied harder when I was younger.

6. 使用并列句:

- I enjoy listening to music, and I also like playing sports.

- He not only studied hard but also participated in extracurricular activities.

7. 使用复合句:

- Because he was tired, he went to bed early.

- Although it was raining, they decided to go out for a walk.

8. 使用分词结构:

- Having finished his homework, he went out to play.

- Interested in the subject, she spent the whole day reading about it.

9. 使用同位语从句:

- I have a friend who is studying abroad.

- They announced the news that the company would close down.

10. 使用插入语:

- He, however, decided to continue his studies.

- The book, in my opinion, is not worth reading.

11. 使用强调句型的否定形式:

- It was not until I got home that I realized I had forgotten my keys.

- Nothing is more important than health.

12. 使用双重否定:

- I can't agree with you more.

- There is no reason why you shouldn't apply for the job.




1. Break a leg - 祝你好运(通常用于演出前)

2. Bite the bullet - 勇敢面对困难

3. Hit the books - 努力学习

4. Once in a blue moon - 很少发生

5. Kick the bucket - 死亡(非正式)

6. Spill the beans - 泄露秘密

7. Let the cat out of the bag - 无意中泄露秘密

8. Bite your tongue - 忍住不说

9. Turn over a new leaf - 改变行为,开始新生活

10. The ball is in your court - 现在轮到你采取行动

11. Barking up the wrong tree - 错误地追求或指责

12. A picture is worth a thousand words - 一张图片胜过千言万语

13. A piece of cake - 非常容易的事情

14. Break the ice - 打破沉默,开始交谈

15. Burn the midnight oil - 熬夜工作或学习

16. Cut corners - 走捷径,偷工减料

17. Out of the frying pan and into the fire - 从一个困境跳入另一个更糟的困境

18. Rack your brain - 绞尽脑汁思考

19. The early bird catches the worm - 早起的鸟儿有虫吃(勤奋的人会成功)

20. You can't judge a book by its cover - 不能仅凭外表判断事物


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