1. 准考证:这是进入考场的凭证,一定要记得携带。
2. 身份证:用于验证你的身份。
3. 学生证:部分考场可能需要。
4. 2B铅笔:用于填涂答题卡。
5. 橡皮擦:用于擦除错误的答案。
6. 黑色签字笔:用于写作部分。
7. 听力耳机:如果考场不提供耳机,需要自备。
8. 备用电池:以防耳机电池没电。
9. 手表:有些考场可能不允许带电子设备,所以手表可以帮助你掌握时间。
10. 矿泉水:考试期间可以喝,但注意不要喝太多,以免频繁上厕所。
11. 纸巾:以备不时之需。
英语四级考试,全称为大学英语四级考试(College English Test Band 4,简称CET-4),是中国大陆地区针对大学生英语水平的一项全国性标准化考试。它主要测试非英语专业大学生的英语听说读写能力。考试内容包括以下几个部分:
1. 听力理解:包括短对话、长对话、短文理解和复合式听写等。
2. 阅读理解:包括快速阅读、仔细阅读和选词填空等。
3. 完形填空:测试考生对文章结构、语法和词汇的综合运用能力。
4. 翻译:通常是将一段中文翻译成英文,测试考生的翻译能力。
5. 写作:包括短文写作和图表作文等,测试考生的英语写作能力。
1. 解决方法题型模板:
- 问题现状:In recent days, we have to face problem A, which is becoming more and more serious.
- 解决方案:Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, Solution One. For another, Solution Two. Finally, Solution Three.
- 个人观点:Personally, I believe that My Solution. Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because of the benefits it brings.
2. 对比选择型模板:
- 不同观点:When it comes to ____, different people hold different views. Some contend that ____, while others maintain that ____.
- 个人观点:As for me, there’s some truth to both arguments. It’s advisable to ____.
3. 说明利弊题型模板:
- 利弊分析:This topic has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it can bring benefits such as ____. On the other hand, it may lead to problems like ____.
- 结论:In conclusion, while the topic has its pros and cons, I believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages if we approach it correctly.
4. 范文示例:
- 范文一:Our English Teacher
- Miss Liang is the best teacher I have so far. She has not only treated us as her younger sisters and brothers, but is also enthusiastic and conscientious in her teaching.
- 范文二:The Importance of Self-education
- Self-education brings success. Though we students have teachers to help us, still we should pay more attention to self-study.
5. 最新范文:
- 2022年12月英语四级作文真题范文汇总(新东方完整版)提供了多篇范文,涵盖了不同的话题和写作风格,可以作为写作时的参考。