



1. 开头句:

- It is widely acknowledged that...(众所周知...)

- With the development of..., we have to face the problem of...(随着...的发展,我们不得不面对...的问题)

- Nowadays, it is common to hear/see...(如今,经常听到/看到...)

2. 引出观点:

- In my opinion,...(在我看来,...)

- From my perspective,...(从我的角度来看,...)

- I firmly believe that...(我坚信...)

3. 举例说明:

- For instance,...(例如,...)

- Take...for example,...(以...为例,...)

- A case in point is...(一个恰当的例子是...)

4. 比较和对比:

- On the one hand,... On the other hand,...(一方面,... 另一方面,...)

- Compared with...,...(与...相比,...)

- Similarly,...(同样地,...)

5. 引用他人观点:

- As [author] puts it, "..."(正如[作者]所说,"...")

- [Author] once said, "..."([作者]曾说,"...")

- According to [author],...(...)

6. 表达原因:

- There are several reasons for...(...有几个原因)

- The reason why... is that...(...的原因是...)

- It can be attributed to the fact that...(这可以归因于...的事实)

7. 表达结果:

- As a result,...(...)

- Consequently,...(...)

- This leads to...(这导致了...)

8. 总结:

- In conclusion,...(总之,...)

- To sum up,...(总结起来,...)

- In summary,...(简而言之,...)

9. 提出建议:

- It is suggested that...(建议...)

- It would be beneficial if...(如果...将会是有益的)

- We should take steps to...(我们应该采取措施...)

10. 表达可能性:

- It is possible that...(有可能...)

- There is a chance that...(有可能...)

- It is likely that...(很可能...)





2. 阐述观点:

- There is a long-running debate as to whether...(关于是否...有一个长期的争论)

- It is commonly believed that...(人们普遍认为...)

3. 举例说明:

- For instance, ...(例如...)

- A case in point is ...(一个恰当的例子是...)

4. 对比和比较:

- On the one hand, ... On the other hand, ...(一方面,... 另一方面,...)

- Compared with ..., ...(与...相比,...)

5. 因果关系:

- Therefore, ...(...)

- As a result, ...(结果,...)

6. 强调:

- It is of utmost importance that...(最重要的是...)

- There is no denying that...(不可否认...)

7. 总结:

- In conclusion, ...(总之,...)

- To sum up, ...(总的来说,...)

8. 提出建议:

- It is suggested that...(建议...)

- It would be beneficial if...(如果...将是有益的)

9. 表达个人观点:

- In my opinion, ...(在我看来,...)

- Personally, I believe that...(我个人认为...)

10. 展望未来:

- Looking to the future, ...(展望未来,...)

- It is anticipated that...(预计...)




1. Hello, how are you?

2. Good morning/afternoon/evening.

3. Nice to meet you.

4. What's your name?

5. How are you doing today?

6. I'm fine, thanks. And you?

7. What's up?

8. How's it going?

9. Not much, just the usual.

10. How was your day?

11. What do you do for a living?

12. Can I help you?

13. I need some help.

14. Excuse me, where is the restroom?

15. Could you help me, please?

16. I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.

17. Could you repeat that, please?

18. Do you speak English?

19. Can you understand me?

20. I'm lost, could you give me directions?

21. How much does this cost?

22. I'll take this one.

23. Can I get the bill, please?

24. Keep the change.

25. Thank you very much.

26. You're welcome.

27. It was my pleasure.

28. I appreciate it.

29. I'm sorry for being late.

30. That's okay.

31. I'm looking for a place to eat.

32. Do you have any recommendations?

33. What time does it open/close?

34. Can I make a reservation?

35. I'd like to order, please.

36. The check, please.

37. I'm allergic to...

38. Can I get a glass of water?

39. Where can I catch a taxi?

40. How much will it cost to get there?

41. Can you call a taxi for me?

42. I'd like to book a room, please.

43. Do you have a single/double room available?

44. What's included in the price?

45. Can I check in now?

46. When is check-out time?

47. I need to make a phone call.

48. Can I use your Wi-Fi?

49. What's the Wi-Fi password?

50. I'm going to the airport.

51. Can you tell me the way to the airport?

52. How long does it take to get there?

53. I'd like to buy a ticket.

54. Where can I get a bus/train ticket?

55. What time does the bus/train leave?

56. Can you show me on the map?

57. I need to withdraw some money.

58. Where is the nearest ATM?

59. Can you exchange money for me?

60. What's the exchange rate?

61. I'd like to open a bank account.

62. Can you help me with my luggage?

63. Can you take a picture of me?

64. It's a beautiful day, isn't it?

65. The weather is great today.

66. I'm feeling a bit cold/hot.

67. I'm not feeling well.

68. I need to see a doctor.

69. Where is the nearest hospital?

70. Can you call an ambulance?

71. I lost my passport/wallet.

72. I need to report it to the police.

73. Can you call the police for me?

74. I need to rent a car.

75. How much is the daily rate?

76. Do I need a driver's license?

77. Can you show me how to use this?

78. I don't understand.

79. Can you explain it to me?

80. I'm not sure.

81. I think so.

82. I don't know what to do.

83. I'm not interested.

84. I'd rather not.

85. I'm looking forward to it.

86. That sounds like a good idea.

87. I don't agree with you.

88. I don't mind.

89. I'm happy to help.

90. I'm not happy about it.

91. I'm very happy/sad.

92. I'm very tired.

93. I'm very hungry/thirsty.

94. I'm very busy right now.

95. I'm very excited.

96. I'm very bored.

97. I'm very lucky.

98. I'm very sorry.

99. I'm very glad to hear that.

100. I'm very proud of you.


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