



1. 使用复杂结构:

- Not only does this approach solve the immediate problem, but it also lays the groundwork for future developments.

- This theory is not only applicable to this case, but it can also be extended to other scenarios.

2. 使用从句:

- Although the task was challenging, he managed to complete it on time.

- Despite the fact that she was new to the team, she contributed significantly to the project.

3. 使用非谓语动词:

- Having finished the homework, he went out to play.

- To achieve the goal, many sacrifices must be made.

4. 使用强调句型:

- It is the lack of resources that hinders our progress.

- What surprised me most was how quickly she adapted to the new environment.

5. 使用被动语态:

- The book was written by a famous author.

- The problem will be discussed in the next meeting.

6. 使用比较级和最高级:

- This is the most interesting book I have ever read.

- She is more experienced than anyone else on the team.

7. 使用条件句:

- If we had more time, we could have done a better job.

- Should you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact us.

8. 使用虚拟语气:

- If I were you, I would take the opportunity.

- He acted as if he had never been there before.

9. 使用并列句:

- He is not only intelligent but also hardworking.

- We need to work harder and smarter to achieve our goals.

10. 使用插入语:

- He, however, did not agree with the proposal.

- The plan, in my opinion, is not feasible.

11. 使用倒装句:

- Only after the meeting was over did he realize his mistake.

- Not until the problem was solved did they leave the room.

12. 使用独立主格结构:

- The game over, the players left the field.

- The work done, they went home.

13. 使用强调句中的“do”:

- Do make sure you understand the instructions before you start.

- She does have a point when she says that we need to improve our efficiency.

14. 使用名词性从句:

- What we need to do next is to analyze the data.

- The fact that she won the competition surprised everyone.

15. 使用副词性从句:

- Wherever you go, take an umbrella with you.

- Although he is old, he is still very active.





1. It is universally acknowledged that...(众所周知...)

2. With the development of society, we have to face the problem of...(随着社会的发展,我们不得不面对...的问题。)

3. It is imperative that...(...是必要的。)

4. There is no denying that...(不可否认...)

5. It goes without saying that...(不言而喻...)

6. There is no doubt that...(毫无疑问...)

7. Nowadays, it is common to hear/see...(如今,常常听到/看到...)

8. It is generally believed that...(人们普遍认为...)

9. Many people insist that...(很多人坚持认为...)

10. A lot of people seem to think that...(很多人似乎认为...)

11. It is widely accepted that...(被广泛接受...)

12. In my opinion/view, we should...(在我看来,我们应该...)

13. As far as I am concerned, ...(就我而言,...)

14. From my perspective, ...(从我的视角来看,...)

15. It is often said that...(人们常说...)

16. It can be easily proved that...(可以很容易地证明...)

17. No one can deny that...(没有人能否认...)

18. It is self-evident that...(这是显而易见的...)

19. To be frank/honest, I think...(坦白地说,我认为...)

20. To start with, ...(首先,...)

21. To sum up, ...(总的来说,...)

22. In conclusion, ...(总之,...)

23. As a result, ...(结果,...)

24. Consequently, ...(...)

25. Therefore, ...(...)

26. Thus, ...(...)

27. As has been mentioned above, ...(如上所述,...)

28. In view of the present situation, ...(鉴于目前的情况,...)

29. For instance/example, ...(例如,...)

30. Furthermore, ...(...)





1. 引人入胜的开头 - "Have you ever wondered how...?"

2. 背景介绍 - "In recent years, the issue of... has become increasingly important."

3. 引用名言 - "As [Name] once said, '...'"

4. 提出问题 - "Why is it that...?"

5. 统计数据 - "According to recent studies, approximately...% of..."

6. 故事讲述 - "Once upon a time, in the bustling city of..."

7. 定义 - "By definition, a [noun] is..."

8. 对比和对比 - "While some argue that..., others believe that..."

9. 现象描述 - "In the realm of..., one cannot ignore the fact that..."

10. 直接陈述 - "This essay aims to explore the reasons behind..."


1. 总结 - "In conclusion, the evidence clearly shows that..."

2. 强调重要性 - "It is imperative that we continue to explore the implications of..."

3. 提出建议 - "Therefore, it is recommended that..."

4. 呼吁行动 - "Let us all take a step towards..."

5. 展望未来 - "Looking ahead, the future of... seems promising."

6. 重申观点 - "To reiterate, the importance of... cannot be overstated."

7. 结束语 - "With these thoughts in mind, we can move forward with a better understanding of..."

8. 提出问题 - "What remains to be seen is whether..."

9. 引用名言 - "As [Name] wisely noted, '...'"

10. 开放性结尾 - "The question now is, where do we go from here?"


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